If you think it's an emergency

3. After calling an ambulance

Once you have helped the person in danger access emergency care, there are several ways you can support them. Being present - online, on the phone or in person - and waiting for the ambulance with them can be helpful.

How much support you offer is up to you. Looking after someone who is struggling with suicidal thoughts and feelings is hard. And it’s important to make sure you’re OK. It’s OK to decide that you’re not able to be there for someone, and to let them know your limits.

You can offer to go with them to a follow up appointment, and be available to support them afterwards in person and/or virtually.

You can ask Samaritans to call them to see if they want to talk. We’re here 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to listen, without judgment. One of our volunteers will call and talk to them. If someone else answers the phone, we won’t say where we’re calling from, and we won’t leave a voicemail.

Our page on supporting someone with suicidal thoughts explains how to create a safety plan with someone, and other ways to be there and help someone access the support they need going forward.

It can be useful to think together about steps to follow in the future, such as how often you’ll check in on them, and how and when to to seek further support.