Muscle Relaxation

  • 10 minutes
  • Alone
  • Volunteering
  • Anytime
  • Anywhere
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Systematically tensing and relaxing your muscles to release physical, and potentially emotional tension

How can this work?

Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR) is a relaxation technique. It involves tensing and then relaxing your muscles, one by one. This helps you release physical tension, which may ease stress and anxiety.

Practise PMR even when you’re feeling calm, especially in the beginning. This will make it easier to learn the method and will also start to teach you the difference between how your body feels when it is tense and when it is relaxed.

This will not only make it easier for you to use this technique when you need to relax, but it will also help you to learn how to spot when you are starting to get tense. This is really helpful as the sooner you are aware of how you are feeling, the sooner you can start to reduce those uncomfortable sensations.

When shouldn't I try this technique?

Take care not to hurt yourself when tensing your muscles. You should never feel intense or shooting pain while completing this exercise. Make the muscle tension deliberate, yet gentle.

If you have problems with pulled muscles, broken bones, or any medical issues that would hinder physical activity, consult your doctor first.


Inhale deeply when you tense your muscles and exhale fully when you relax.

Avoid holding your breath, which can cause more tension.

Try to find a quiet place with no distractions the first few times you try this.

It can help if you imagine tension leaving your body as you release your muscles.

Practice this technique regularly for best results. Over time, it may help you feel more relaxed and mentally calmer. The better you become at it, the quicker the relaxation response will “kick in” when you really need it!

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