Chapter 9: Priority 5: Sustainability

5. Build meaningful relationships with our supporters to ensure our sustainability

Our challenge

To remain fit for the future, Samaritans needs more long-term supporters who will be part of the journey with us.

Our ambition

To ensure our long-term sustainability by securing the support needed to keep us strong and taking steps to ensure our activities and organisation are fit for the future.

We will create ways for the people and organisations who support us to add their energy, resources and experience to our work so that together we can be there for those who need us for years to come.

Samaritans Ireland objectives:

  1. Create and deliver a fundraising strategy for Ireland, growing Samaritans Ireland’s fundraising capability and team, and work in partnership with SCC to deliver sustainable sources of income for Samaritans Ireland in both RoI and NI, supporting and growing branch income streams.
  2. Develop a supporter engagement strategy within Samaritans Ireland, growing organisational focus on our supporters and delivering growth in awareness and support for Samaritans Ireland, along with meaningful opportunities for supporters to contribute to the delivery of goals for Samaritans Ireland and Ireland branches.
  3. Develop a brand and reputation strategy within Samaritans Ireland, leveraging existing Samaritans brand strengths and Samaritans Central Charity brand expertise to raise awareness of, and strengthen perception of, Samaritans in both RoI and NI.

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