Southend on Sea Samaritans Shop Volunteer

  • Ongoing
  • With others
  • Volunteering
  • Anytime
  • Southend on Sea
  • Apply now

Our Southend on Sea Branch is looking for a volunteer shop assistant in each of our two shops in Westcliff and Leigh-on-Sea.

What’s involved

Our Southend on Sea Branch has two shops; one in Hamlet Court Road, Westcliff and the other on London Road, Leigh in Sea, near to Thames Drive. They raise funds to support the running of the listening centre and raise awareness of our service by being visible. The shops and online merchandising activities are overseen by an overall Merchandising Manager, who is a Deputy Director. We also have within the team Day Managers and Shop Assistants. As we seek to have 3 volunteers at each shop for 6 days a week, we want to increase the number of volunteer shop assistants.

Time Commitment

The shop is open 10-4.30. We are interested in hearing from people who would like to commit to a full day per week or a half day, which would be 10-1 or 1-4.30.


The role is to be in the shop and therefore provides the perfect opportunity for those who like to be part of a team that sees each other each week to work, chat, laugh and enjoy free tea & biscuits.

Deadline for Applications

We are always pleased to hear from those who are interested as existing volunteers often flex their volunteering hours to fit in with other roles and responsibilities in life. There is almost always a gap in the rota we would love to fill by welcoming a new volunteer to the team.

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