Join Samaritans Lived Experience Panel

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Help shape the future of Samaritans' work and share your lived experience.

At Samaritans, we know the importance of listening, so we’re creating more opportunities for people with personal experience of using our services, and of suicide and self-harm, including those bereaved, to share their views and experiences with us.

Surveys or polls are sent bi-monthly asking you to share your experiences or to give your views on a range of topics such as our campaigns, new services, and the work that we do.

We know that people have busy lives so you choose how often you get involved and what you take part in. The results will help us to shape the work we do at Samaritans. All of our surveys are voluntary and you can choose when to participate. We will always tell you how long a survey is expected to take.

Lived experience must be at the heart of everything we do. We want to ensure our work is informed by the experience and insights of those who need us most, who can help us achieve our vision that fewer people die by suicide.

Julie Bentley, CEO

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