Find out who we are, what we do, how we're structured. You can also download our financial reports here.

What we do at Samaritans
Samaritans is a unique charity dedicated to reducing feelings of isolation and disconnection that can lead to suicide.

Samaritans’ strategy: Tackling suicide together
Samaritans’ 2022-27 strategy, ‘Tackling suicide together’, outlines our main priorities for the next five years and how we’ll be working towards our vision that fewer people die by suicide.

Our vision, mission and values
Our vision is that fewer people die by suicide.

Our strategic principles
Samaritans’ strategic principles guide everything we do. Introduced as part of our five-year strategy, ‘Tackling suicide together’, they are at the heart of the way we work and behave.

Our governance and structure
There are more than 200 branches and locations across the UK and Ireland and around 20,000 trained volunteers supported by our staff and leadership team.

Annual and impact reports
We've made our Annual Reports and Accounts, and Impact Report available to make sure we're being as transparent as possible.

Administrative contact details
Samaritans Central Office is based in Surrey, England and we also have offices in Ireland, Scotland and Wales.

Our safeguarding policy
In these specific situations, we may need to tell someone that you've got in touch with us.

National Suicide Prevention Alliance
The National Suicide Prevention Alliance (NSPA) is a cross-sector, England-wide coalition working reduce suicide in England.

Support after Suicide Partnership
Samaritans is host to the Support after Suicide Partnership (SASP) and proud to support its work as an autonomous programme.

What we do at Samaritans
Samaritans is a unique charity dedicated to reducing feelings of isolation and disconnection that can lead to suicide.

Our governance and structure
Samaritans has 24 locations across Ireland & Northern Ireland, with around 2,000 people volunteering their time for Samaritans.

Administrative contact details
Samaritans Ireland is based in Dublin and we also have offices in Belfast.

What we do at Samaritans
Samaritans is a unique charity dedicated to reducing feelings of isolation and disconnection that can lead to suicide.