For over 65 years, Samaritans have offered a non-judgemental, confidential helpline for anyone going through a tough time, regardless of their background.
Day or night, Samaritans volunteers at branches across the UK and Ireland are there to listen to anyone who is struggling.
Samaritans was founded in 1953, at a time when it was still illegal to be gay in the UK, and our volunteers provided a confidential, empathetic ear for many who were struggling with their sexual orientation or gender identity. To this day our helpline provides a vital lifeline where anyone can share what’s on their mind without judgement or pressure.
We know that people with lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, or questioning (LGBTQ+) identities may have extra needs and concerns, as well as face extra challenges in getting the right support for them. At Samaritans, we want people to be able to talk to us without fear of prejudice or rejection because if people feel safe, they are more likely to be open about their feelings.
We want people to know that Samaritans is here for everyone. As well as celebrating the diversity and vibrancy of our local community, LGBT+ history shines a light on the difficulties many LGBT+ people still face today and encourages us to stand together with others who face persecution for who they are, recognise their experiences and offer a safe space if they need to talk, without judgement or pressure.
Linda Miller, Director of Samaritans of Dunfermline
Samaritans supports LGBTQ+ communities in a number of ways:
Our Listening Service
Is open to anyone 365 days a year 24 hours a day to talk about anything that’s troubling them. We incorporate examples of experiences relevant to the LGBTQ+ community into our training for volunteers and staff to ensure we give the best service we can.
Supporting Pride
Every year, Samaritans takes part in Pride events across the UK and Ireland to raise awareness, show our support for LGBTQ+ communities and help celebrate what makes every single one of us unique.
“As well as celebrating the vibrancy of our community, Pride also shines a light on the difficulties many LGBTQ+ people still face today and encourages us to stand shoulder to shoulder with others who face persecution for who they are.”
Sarah Lynn, Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Manager and Cardiff volunteer
Our staff and volunteer LGBTQ+ network
We have a network of staff and volunteers from the LGBTQ+ community who meet regularly to share experiences and influence our work. This group has an executive sponsor to support their experience.
Working with LGBTQ groups and charities
Many of our branches and staff teams work with local groups and charities to LGBTQ+ communities to improve our staff and volunteer knowledge and understanding.
Birmingham Samaritans run a programme of optional on-line peer support meetings which have covered a range of topics aiming to enhance our service and broaden our understanding of our callers and indeed of each other.
"By far the best attended session, and indeed the most requested, was a workshop on Transgender Awareness led by Robyn, Strategic Development Officer with Birmingham LGBT. Expertly delivered, the session covered everything from the defining of terms and the relevant legislation to a discussion of best inclusive practice."
- Catherine, Birmingham Samaritans