Andy's story

The weight of the bag I’ll be carrying on marathon day is to remind people that Samaritans are there for you 24/7 (24.7kg) and that whatever you are facing, a Samaritan will face it with you.

“I’m going to be running the entire race with my big bag of worries (a 24.7kg sandbag) on my shoulders. So why am I making this already mammoth and iconic race (and training) more complicated than it needs to be? Because the weight I’ll be carrying is my big bag of worries. It represents the invisible and far heavier emotional weight we can all carry on our shoulders.

The challenges, struggles, and battles that aren't always visible to others, but can weigh us down in ways we can't even imagine.

As a middle-aged husband and father who has experienced depression, I understand the impact of trying to carry the weight of life's challenges alone. It can feel like an uphill battle, dragging us down, and even leaving us feeling isolated and defeated. I trained to become a listening volunteer to support other who may be feeling how I felt.

When you experience challenges with your mental health, it can be lonely and isolating. You can be surrounded by loved ones and still feel so lonely. But I can’t stress this enough: you’re not alone, you’re never alone.

The weight of the bag I’ll be carrying on marathon day is to remind people that Samaritans are there for you 24/7 (24.7kg) and that whatever you are facing, a Samaritan will face it with you.

As a Samaritans listening volunteer I see the lifeline of hope, empathy, and support Samaritans provide. Having someone to help take the weight, even for a little while, gives us the opportunity to rest, to catch our breath, and to regain our strength. The weight may still be there, but with support, we can find the strength to continue knowing that we don't have to carry it all alone.

So for everyone who may be carrying their own, invisible, and heavy emotional weight, this is for you.

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