With 19 branches stretching from Scottish Borders to the Highlands and Islands, Samaritans Scotland provides a vital lifeline for people and communities across the country.

About Samaritans Scotland
Our vision is for a Scotland where fewer lives are lost to suicide and where everyone can get the right help and support when they need it the most.

Samaritans Scotland strategic delivery plan: Tackling suicide together
Samaritans Scotland’s 2022-27 strategic delivery plan, ‘Tackling suicide together’, outlines our main priorities for the next five years and how we’ll be working towards our vision that fewer people die by suicide.

Campaigning for change in Scotland
We work to increase understanding of the factors that drive suicide and recommend policy changes to strengthen prevention, improve support and ultimately save lives.

West Highlands & Skye Project
Our West Highlands & Skye project aims to increase awareness of Samaritans’ suicide prevention work and offer wider support to rural communities.

Who We Are
Samaritans Scotland is made up of nearly 1,000 volunteers spread across 19 branches stretching from the Scottish Borders to the Highlands and Islands.

Support us
Take part in an event, donate to one of our campaigns, set up a fundraising challenge or support us in one of many other ways.