Hundreds of corporate and landmark buildings will light up green to show their support for Samaritans this December 21st.
On December 21st, hundreds of corporate and landmark buildings across Ireland and Northern Ireland will be illuminated in green for our annual Longest Night appeal, #SamaritansLongestNight. All illuminated buildings act as a reminder that Samaritans are there to support everyone in their darkest hours.
Participate in the Longest Night
Organisations are invited to participate in the Longest Night by illuminating their premises in green on December 21st. By lighting up your building, you’ll be raising awareness that if anyone needs someone to listen, they can call Samaritans any time of the day or night. You're also showing your people, and your customers, that you understand how important it is to be there for people at risk of suicide.
How can my company take part?
Sign up online here. Then, Samaritans will contact you with more information about lighting up in green for the Longest Night.
What companies are taking part?
Hundreds of companies are expected to light up for the Longest Night on December 21st. Among those already confirmed are Google Ireland, PwC, William Fry, Calor Gas Ireland, Standard Life/Phoenix Group, Boston Scientific, and many public offices and famous landmarks.

On December 21st, hundreds of buildings across the country will be illuminated green for Samaritans Longest Night
Samaritans is here for anyone who’s struggling to cope. Our volunteers take calls from people 24 hours a day, every day of the year. Including Christmas Day.
Samaritans answered tens of thousands of calls last December, with over 1,000 calls for help on Christmas Day alone.
That’s why support for the Longest Night is essential. By helping to raise awareness of Samaritans, you could literally help save lives. We hope to see your support during our Longest Night.

Samaritans volunteer Dorothy has answered calls on Christmas Day for over 10 years
Be part of Samaritans' Longest Night on December 21st
Register today