This theme explores what we mean by emotional health. It asks students to think about what affects our emotional health, and how to recognise signs of poor emotional health in ourselves and others.

DEAL: what is emotional health?
This session is a starting activity for any year group to introduce the theme of emotional health and gauge the level of understanding amongst students.

DEAL: ups and downs of the day
In this session we will learn that emotional health can and does vary over time and that everyone is different and feelings are normal and ok

Understanding Emotional Health
In this lesson we will learn: what emotional health is and how we recognise emotional health in ourselves and others.

Rate a celebrity
In this session we will learn: the difference between physical and emotional health and that everyone has ups and downs

DEAL: knowing when to get support
It’s important to recognise when we or someone else needs help. Even if the issue may seem to be small, if we are finding it difficult to cope we need to talk to someone
DEAL: emotional health assessment activity
What do you think emotional health is? What can we do to promote good emotional health?