Download document: Sponsorship Form
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This World Mental Health Day I'm taking on...
I'm taking on...
Join my team!
I completed Dawn Walk...
854.5 kb - PDF
72.3 kb - PDF
107.2 kb - PDF
I've raised £50.
I've raised £75.
I've raised £100.
I've raised £150.
I've raised £200.
I've raised £1,000.
I've raised £1,500.
I've raised £2,000.
I've raised £2,500.
£10 could help us to answer two calls for help.
£41.67 could keep Samaritans phone lines open for five minutes
£96 could go towards training a new volunteer to be there when it matters.
Samaritans has more than 200 branches and locations across the UK and Ireland.
Every 10 seconds, Samaritans responds to a call for help.