Lynn has been selected as the new director of the Stockport & District Samaritans
Lynn has been a Samaritans Volunteer for three years. Her past career included working in the NHS, as a registered nurse, in several emergency and critical care departments. She also spent time working in the Middle East running a large Emergency Room in a military hospital. She also worked for the World Health Organisation, the Department of Health and a couple of universities before returning to the NHS to get involved in management.
She has travelled, done a fair bit of salsa dancing and developed a passion for yoga and languages. Now, having decided to take early retirement, during the pandemic, she plans to devote time to drinking coffee, doing yoga, catching up with friends as well doing volunteer work for the Samaritans. She loves shopping and is so am happy to be able to return to the shops in Manchester! She’s also learning Spanish and continues to try to overcome the challenge of listening to a conversation at normal speed!
She is planning to do shifts at different times to meet up with as many volunteers as possible. “We need to keep recruiting new Samaritans, including young people. We also need to make sure that all our volunteers continue to feel valued, for the time they give and the wonderful way in which they all support our callers. Without our volunteers we would have no branch. The branch will go from strength to strength because of all the committed volunteers we have.”